Wehringen 2013
Michael Schmidt
In einem alten Wohnhaus nehme ich unterschiedliche Eingriffe in die bauliche Struktur vor. Ich entnehme Material aus Decken und Fußböden, das ich an anderer Stelle zu Einbauten verarbeite.
Die äußere architektonische Hülle bearbeite ich nicht.
Alte Wege durch das Haus verschließen und neue öffnen sich, vormalige Funktionen des Hauses werden unterlaufen. Das Haus wird so zur architektonischen Skulptur.
Wehringen 2013
Michael Schmidt
In an old residential building, I make various interventions in the building structure. I take material from the ceilings and floors and use it elsewhere to make built-in elements. I do not work on the outer architectural shell.
Old paths through the house close and new ones open, former functions of the house are undermined. The house thus becomes an architectural sculpture.
Background: The house is known as one of the oldest in the village. It is the bearer of many stories. The owner decides to partially demolish it and turn it into a garage. My intervention transforms the house before its demolition and makes it accessible to the local residents. The exhibition develops into a small village festivity. Also a farewell party.
Wehringen 2013
Michael Schmidt
In einem alten Wohnhaus nehme ich unterschiedliche Eingriffe in die bauliche Struktur vor. Ich entnehme Material aus Decken und Fußböden, das ich an anderer Stelle zu Einbauten verarbeite.
Die äußere architektonische Hülle bearbeite ich nicht.
Alte Wege durch das Haus verschließen und neue öffnen sich, vormalige Funktionen des Hauses werden unterlaufen. Das Haus wird so zur architektonischen Skulptur.
Wehringen 2013
Michael Schmidt
In an old residential building, I make various interventions in the building structure. I take material from the ceilings and floors and use it elsewhere to make built-in elements. I do not work on the outer architectural shell.
Old paths through the house close and new ones open, former functions of the house are undermined. The house thus becomes an architectural sculpture.
Background: The house is known as one of the oldest in the village. It is the bearer of many stories. The owner decides to partially demolish it and turn it into a garage. My intervention transforms the house before its demolition and makes it accessible to the local residents. The exhibition develops into a small village festivity. Also a farewell party.